Join us in prayer each morning Mon-Fri from 6:00am - 6:30am. DIAL IN: (469) 480-5416 ACCESS CODE: 723 145 731#

Lodge At Paris Landing

$366 Lodging
$50 Registration/Supplies
$46 Breakfast
$23 Break (Snacks)
$60 Lunch
$80 Sneaker Ball
$75 Event Space/AV/Service Charges

$700 Total ($650 after deposit)
$50 Deposit

Lodge Henry Horton

$46 Breakfast
$24 Break (Snacks)
$80 Sneaker Ball
$75 Event Space/AV/Service Charges
$50 Registration/Supplies

$335 Total ($285 after deposit)
$50 Deposit

Kingdom Marriage Ministry Retreat Survey

Hi Family! We are ready to begin planning our 2024 Kingdom Marriage Ministry Retreat and need your help. Please complete this survey to let us know your preferences by Friday, March 29th. Thank you!

August 30th - September 1st - Two nights lodging, meals, workshops, and Sneaker Ball - Total cost approximately $700 per couple

One day retreat on Saturday, August 31st - Meals, workshops, and Sneaker Ball - Total cost approximately $335 per couple 

Meals, workshops, and Sneaker Ball - Cost not to exceed $150 per couple  

Meals, workshops, and Sneaker Ball - Cost not to exceed $75 per couple