Join us in prayer each morning Mon-Fri from 6:00am - 6:30am. DIAL IN: (469) 480-5416 ACCESS CODE: 723 145 731#
Anna Primm is a child of God that was led to believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior right here at Priest Lake Community Baptist Church in August of 1991. One of my greatest and most fond memories is being baptized in a big baptismal tub they would roll out downstairs in the “Old” building climbing in and bumping my head on the ceiling.

By the grace of God, I have had educational accomplishments that have allowed me many great career opportunities. Most of my career has been managing and leading people and departments. I’m blessed that my career was taking off as I joined Priest Lake. Learning God’s Word gave me the foundation to know how to work with people and lead in the way that God approves, which is by Serving. My entire time at Priest Lake I have been focused on serving God however and whenever I could.

I’m so blessed to be able to do something that is so very important to the core of who I am, which is to pour myself and my God-given talent into the Youth. I knew God had a plan for me to do just that which led me to start a non-profit over 5 years ago called Change Your Legacy. I had no idea how to pull off everything God had put on my heart and even as I was forming the company all those years ago I was like yeah, this is impossible. Fast forward to March 2023 the impossible happened. I must admit I didn’t see it coming and had other plans and all I can say is won’t He do it!!!

The Kingdom Youth Department’s Purpose is to develop youth into future Kingdom leaders and disciples for Christ by providing opportunities that will encourage youth to become grounded in their Christian faith leading to impactful results for the Kingdom of Christ Jesus.

This Priest Lake Kingdom Youth Department will disciple and ground our Youth in the Word of God, it will provide them with life-skills training so they do not have to learn those lessons from the world and we will have fun doing it.

Our Youth Department is broken down into 4 Kingdom Youth Workgroups:

Kingdom Youth Outings and Events – Lead by Candace Jones
This Workgroup takes care of outings and events that do not occur annually such as Youth Kick-off, Bowling, Fishing, and Youth Chill Days (Ice Cream Social), etc

Kingdom Youth Annual Days – Lead by Danielle McAfee
This Workgroup takes care of Scholarship Award Ceremony, Back to School Bash, Hallelujah Night, etc

Kingdom Youth Service to Others
This Workgroup will allow the youth to serve their family (personal and church), other youth, and the community. Look forward to them launching Kingdom Youth Cards of Encouragement SOON.

Kingdom Youth Programs
This Workgroup is responsible for developing programs allowing the Youth to experience life experiences within a controlled environment. The Recognition Program will be re-launched in the Fall, more details to come. Stay tuned for the "I’m Moving Out Program" among others.

What can you do to help? Parents, we need the Youth to sign up (early) and participate in all Youth activities. Help us implement all Youth activities. You can also sign up to go Canvassing. We are trying to let all of Antioch know where we're located and that we want them to worship Christ with us. Parents of Youth aged 5-17 partner with us to drive home biblical principles in their everyday lives, more on that as well.

Pray for the Kingdom Youth, me and all the Youth leaders and coaches.

Anna Primm