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Mar 24, 2024    Sr. Pastor Travis M. Tullis

The crowds that cheered for Jesus as He entered Jerusalem shouted "Hosanna" with the belief that Christ was the promise of a political savior. However, when it was revealed that Jesus' purpose was not based on political power but for spiritual transformation, many went from “Hosanna, To Crucify Him.” 


Senior Pastor Travis Tullis urges us through scriptures John 12:12-19 to remember that the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem is a powerful reminder that is relevant today even though it was thousands of years ago. 


As this story is significant today, we need to be aware that seeking Jesus’s Kingdom first can provide us with spiritual growth and transformation, which will give us true peace, power, and everlasting joy. This means that Jesus' triumphant entry created the opportunity for many people in Jerusalem to face their past and to look forward to their future as they now had a pathway to forgiveness and eternal life. 


Jesus came into Jerusalem on a donkey as a peace offering. He was to reconcile the people to God, but in the future, He will be coming on a white horse as a ruler over the people. Although, during the week of Palm Sunday Jesus faced betrayal and was denied several times, nevertheless; He still rose on the third day to give us eternal life in His kingdom. 


Therefore, when we see abuse of power, fear, and many more issues that continue to plague our world today, we can take comfort in knowing that our Passover Lamb will deliver us from all darkness and bring us into His light.


Thank you, Senior Pastor Tullis, for leading us forward and higher together by knowing that we must remember that Jesus rose on the third day so we can have a life filled with abundance when He comes back.