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"Talking In or Out"

Jun 9, 2024    Sr. Pastor Travis M. Tullis

When we truly embrace personal responsibility for our thoughts, we unlock a profound power. This power is the ability to speak ourselves into faith, a power far greater than any force that could speak us out of it. 


Senior Pastor Travis Tullis advises that God, with His creative power can help us cast down any thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ through scriptures Matthew 12:30-37, Proverbs 4:23, 18:21, Psalm 37:1, Hebrews 12:15, and 1 Peter 5:10.


Our words, when used to speak faith, can lead us to victory. The fruit they produce is a reflection of our hearts. If the Holy Spirit dwells within us, it will manifest in the fruit of the spirit that we bear. 


By allowing God to abide in our thoughts, we can strengthen our faith and bring forth words that bear abundant good fruit to those around us. However, we must be cautious of idle words, for they can poison our hearts with bitterness. Yet, as believers in Jesus Christ, if idle words are spoken against us, we are shielded by His power, for no weapon formed against us shall prosper. 


Thank you, Senior Pastor Tullis, for leading us forward and higher together by letting us know that by planting joy in our hearts and thoughts we can encourage others through words of faith.