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"Alignment To The Father"

Jun 16, 2024    Sr. Pastor Travis M. Tullis

Senior Pastor Travis Tullis advises us on Father's Day that men must align themselves with the Holy Father in order to learn how to be great fathers through scriptures Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and Luke 15:11-24.


It is of utmost importance to understand that when we are misaligned with God, we risk forfeiting His promises. The story of the Prodigal Son serves as a powerful reminder of how we, as children of God, can inadvertently become misaligned with our Holy Father's love, leading to potential spiritual consequences. However, if we turnaround and repent, God is there with open arms to welcome us back into His Kingdom. 


Fathers are not just called, but entrusted, to mirror God's love in their actions. This is a testament to one of God's greatest commandments: to learn to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. With this commandment, we can be blessed by God's grace and mercy to come to ourselves and return home to the Holy Father. God seeks lost children because of His unconditional love and a good father's love has the power to teach, protect, and provide for his children. The role of fathers is not just for the present, but for the future, and the actions of today can shape the generations of tomorrow.


Thank you, Senior Pastor Tullis, for leading us forward and higher together by teaching us how to be aligned with our Heavenly Father so that many generations can be impacted by the Father's Kingdom.