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"Lord Help Me"

Sep 1, 2024    Sr. Pastor Travis M. Tullis

Recognizing Jesus with unwavering faith, and calling out to Him for help, gives us the strength and perseverance to continue pressing into God's Kingdom. 


Through scriptures such as Matthew 15:11- 29, Senior Pastor Travis Tullis reminds us that Jesus is the only one who can make all things possible.


The Canaanite woman's faith in Matthew 15: 21-29, demonstrates the power of faith in breaking barriers. Her unwavering belief in Jesus's compassion and healing broke through the barriers of culture and tradition. This faith can inspire us to continue asking, knocking, and seeking Jesus's help, knowing that it can break any barriers that hinder us from receiving God's promises.


Before Jesus healed the Canaanite woman's daughter, He had a conversation with the Pharisees, who were corrupt Jewish religious leaders. Their hearts were defiled, which prevented them from recognizing Jesus as Lord. This interaction serves as a relevant example, reminding us of the importance of maintaining a pure and open heart in our relationship with Jesus.


As we humbly follow His word, we can be reassured that we will receive God's promises and blessings. Any blessings that the Lord gives us are sufficient by His grace, and we can have confidence in His ability to make a way where there seems to be no way.


Thank you, Senior Pastor Tullis, for leading us forward and higher together, and for reminding us of Jesus's enduring compassion, grace, and mercy. His love is not limited by our past rejections, and He is always ready to welcome all believers with open arms.